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My 3 Biggest Issues with the Game of Thrones Series Finale

Game of Thrones sadly came to an end last night. While the journey has been insane, including many twists and turns along the way, the finale did not live up to many fans’ expectations. While I didn’t hate the finale, I didn’t really love it either. So what went wrong? Here are my top 3 biggest issues with how Game of Thrones ended. Obviously major spoilers for the Game of Thrones series finale ahead.

1. The Death of Jamie and Cersei Lannister: Cercei Lanister is one of the most passionately despised characters on television, and that’s what makes her such a great character. The last few seasons, she has been portrayed as the main antagonist (besides the Night King, I guess). Her brother, Jamie Lannister, went from being hated like Cersei, to being a fan favorite for some of his more heroic duties. He has gone through a definite character change and is one of the most interesting characters on the show. Both of these characters should have had big, dramatic deaths. Especially since audiences have been waiting for Cersie to get what she deserves, in a brutal, gruesome death for almost the entire series. But no. They died together being crushed by falling rubble as the dragon attacked King’s Landing. Both characters deserved a much better send off than this. There was a prophecy earlier in the show stating that Cersei would be killed by her younger brother (Jamie or Tyrion). Then there were more theories that Arya would be the one to finally kill her. But both of their deaths ended up being very anticlimactic and unsatisfying. Especially considering Jamie, completely went back to his old ways after so much change, to die with Cersei.

2. The Winner of the Game of Thrones: “You play the game of thrones or you die.”- Cersei Lannister, I went into the finale thinking I wanted anyone but Jon on the Iron Throne because I felt that would be too obvious. Now, I would’ve rather had Jon. I don’t know why or how but somehow Bran Stark, Bran the Broken is now ruler of the six kingdoms. What. When the leaders of Westeros came together in the finale to try and pick a ruler they ask Tyrion for his advice. He starts saying they need to pick someone with a good story because that’s something everyone in Westeros can get behind. Then he says Bran and I literally said “What the fuck.” While Bran has a good story, literally every other Stark sibling has a better one. It seems like Bran has done almost nothing all season. Yes, he’s the three eyed raven but I always thought he’d make a good advisor to the King, not an actual king himself. Wile I will give Game of Thrones credit for definitely putting someone on the Iron Throne that was totally unexpected (which I guess is what I asked for), it wasn’t exactly satisfying either.

3. Jon Snow’s True Heritage and other prophecies: Season 7 of Game of Thrones ended with a huge cliffhanger and the reveal that Jon Snow was not actually a bastard but a Targaryen and the true heir to the Iron Throne. This information seemed to change everything and fans kept waiting and theorizing about how his true heritage would impact the end of the show. I was left feeling the big reveal was only used as a tool to justify Daenerys going crazy and becoming the mad queen. They didn’t really mention his heritage at all in the finale, even when the leaders of Westeros were discussing who should be King. They gave a good enough reason for Jon Snow not to take the throne, but I felt his heritage should’ve been addressed. After all, still very few people throughout the seven kingdoms know his true heritage. This is just one of several “red herrings” throughout the show. Many of the prophecies didn’t come true. For example Malasandra told Arya she would kill someone with brown eyes (Walder Fray), Blue eyes (the Night King) and green eyes (no one). Some could argue that in the book, Little Finger has green eyes and Arya killed him, but in the show he does not have the same color eyes. This prophecy led viewers to beileve she would either kill Cersei or Daenerys, neither of which happened. She also didn’t wear anyone else’s face in this season, which was a big deal for her character a season or two ago. There were many loose ends, character arcs and prophecies that were not completed by the time the credits rolled on the final episode but I guess it is what it is.

Like I said before, I didn’t hate the finale, I just wasn’t totally satisfied. It felt rushed and a little unfinished but I guess what’s done is done. However, I did like how the other 3 Stark children (Sansa, Arya, and Jon) ended the show. Their endings were very fitting for each of their characters. One of the hardest things to do in the entertainment industry is end a TV series well, especially one with a huge fan base like this one. Regardless of how you feel about the ending, Game of Thrones will go down as one of the best shows in history. From the Red and Purple Weddings to the Battle of Blackwater and Battle of the Bastards, it has been quite an epic and unforgettable journey. Although it didn’t end as well as Breaking Bad, I will always remember the emotional rollercoaster I went through while watching this sometimes heart-wrenching show. It may not have been quite the ending most of us wanted, but it’s the one we got.

Let me know what you think of my complaints. What do you think is the greatest TV show of all time?

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